Attention : Women Who Can’t Wait To Break Free From Burnout and Prioritize Their Needs ….Once and For ALL!

Tenisha Manning Presents the...

Rise Sis, The Me-First Movement Challenge

 Discover the Hidden Keys To Work-Life Harmony 
and How To Thrive in Life’s Toughest Moments”


00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Let Me Show You EXACTLY How To Confidently Assert Your Needs...

Without ANY Feelings of Guilt, Persistent Worries About What Others Think, or Resentment…



It's Time To Give Yourself Permission To 
Be  Amazing Women That You Are

Click Below To Secure Your Space With Us


Tenisha makes me feel and accept myself. She has provided guidance that helps you push through no matter what. Anita O.

Tenisha has integrity, character, and shares experiences and authenticity that is delivered gracefully. Trish M.

Tenisha provides a honest perspective, compassionate truth. Treasa B.

Tenisha is passionate, laid back & relatable. The plans and ideas help to deal with adversity and conflict. JoAnne and Jesse W.

Tenisha is personable, laid back, and relatable. She delivered advice with light heartedness as I faced challenges I was dealing with. Larry A. 

Tenisha is one of a kind, intentional, and heavenly guided. She is one of a kind and no one can pick a part her uniqueness. Jasmine L.

Tenisha’s Masterclass was Powerful. Personal. And Insightful. Anji S.

Maya Angelou said "Out of the huts of history's shame, I rise up from a past that's rooted in pain, I rise"

Tenisha Manning says  "Rise Sis, despite the shame, stay in the game..Rise Sis, the other side of pain is your true reign"

This Challenge Will Not Be Like ANYTHING You’ve
 Ever Experienced:

Tenisha will cover:

 Strategies to identify your needs: and developing an oasis for your personalize support

 Self-Care Is No Longer Seen As Selfish in 2023, it’s Essential to Lowering Your Risks of Chronic Illness, like Breast Cancer

  Helpful Tips Regarding to The Holistic Health Approach with An Emphasis on Emotional Mindfulness

 It’s No Longer Acceptable to Do For Everyone Else Except Yourself

  And So Much More…

Tenisha’s ONLINE Me-First Movement 5 Day Challenge For Creating True Work-Life Harmony and Transformation for Yourself and Those You Love…

Tenisha’s ONLINE Me-First Movement 5 Day Challenge For Creating True Work-Life Harmony and Transformation for Yourself and Those You Love…

It All Comes Down To This…

I really Do Hear You!

Because I have been exacting where you might be now.

I did not decide to put myself first, until my body said NO. At the age of 34, I was diagnosed with breast cancer at stage 0. I was strong though. I had surgery and got back to work after a long cool 4 weeks. 

Recovery was supposed to be 12 weeks, but not for me, I thought I did not need that long.

Three years after the initial diagnosis, I learned how to put myself first. I learned the power of feeling my emotions. I discovered the POWER of having boundaries and did not waver with my boundaries. I no longer saw being the go-to person as a badge of honor. 

I stop working hard and begin working smarter. I no longer believed that time is money, I recognized that my time is more valuable.

Even after this new power of prioritizing me, I faced reoccurrence of breast cancer, this time stage 4 at the age of 40. However, I had a different response. I felt all of my emotions, anger, grief, anxiety, fear and worry. At the same time, I felt happy, loved, and gratitude. 

I was openly honest and prioritize my needs and I received a resounding support. This time, I rested for over 12 weeks and no longer felt the need to be strong…

This Is All About YOU…Not Me...

Can You Relate to Any of These Scenarios?

  • You are Super Busy and Feel Drained
  • ​You Are Tired
  • You Want To Work Out and Eat Well, but Can’t Seem To Find The Time
  • You See No Point In Crying or Being Emotional, in Fact You Can’t Cry, the Only Emotion You Feel is Frustration
  • You Believe Your Duty In Life is Serving
  • ​You Have No Idea About What You Want
  • ​You See No Value in Therapy
  • You Are Aware That You Need To Rest More, But Don’t Know How
  • You Are Aware That You Should Say No More Often, But You Don’t Know How to Stop Giving In
  • You Are Aware of Your Emotions, But Don’t Express them as You Should
  • ​You Know Prioritizing Your Needs is Important, But You Don’t know how the Lack of Expressing Them Affect Your Health
  • ​You Know That The Grind is Harmful to Your Health, but You Don’t Know How to Stop
  • You Rest, Have Healthy Boundaries, but Have Fallen Off and Need More Accountability
  • You Are Aware of Your Emotions, Express Them, But When a Crisis or Life Happens, You are Not Quite Sure How to Get Back On Track
  • You Are Aware That Your Emotions is The Key To Regulating Your Nervous System, But Need More Structure To Stay On Track
  • ​You Know You Worked Less, Experienced When Your Body Says No, You Listen To Your Body Too Late
  • ​You Are Aware That You Say No, But Still Seem to Spoil The Close Friends & Family
  • ​You Know of Your Desires and Needs, But Haven’t Had Time To Do It

No Matter Where You Are In Your Journey, There’s A Common Theme

 You’re Eager To Break Free from Burnout fueled by the POWER to finally identify your needs

 You Need this to work so you can take control of your life and create the kind of financial freedom you’ve heard is possible…but still seems elusive.

 You’d love to live in harmony, work less, and enjoy life MORE.

 You’re more than ready to completely transform your life and go to the next level of pursuing personal interests that bring you joy. It feels SO close!

You’re Wondering How To…

 Recognize Burnout and acknowledge your feelings

 Ask For Help Without feeling like you are a burden

Develop a Self-Care Routine, like what is realistic?

 Establish Clear Boundaries and effectively communicate you limits

Reduce Stress and Learn Breathing Techniques for Mindful Meditation 

Prioritize and Delegate Tasks

Maintain A Support Network

 Transcend to a higher level of inspiration and guidance

Now Are You Ready For The Good News?

You Can Achieve ALL Of This…

After recovering from breast cancer, I discovered that women being diagnosed have dramatically increased over the years based on medical research. 

I am following my calling to help women apply the same strategies and mindsets that I have learned in my health and wellness journey.  

Over the years, I’ve coached women all around the globe on how to prioritize their needs…

Women who have overcame breast cancer…
Women who have been told that they were too emotional or sensitive
Women who believe that they must serve and suffer

And that’s exactly why I created the…

A Super Simple Proven System That Gets You To Work-Life Harmony in Days

Wouldn’t it be great if you could prioritize your needs…and re-discover your deep desires that has been packed away for years

You know, the desires you are passionate about…

And create an oasis of rejuvenation to do what you want for a change?

Now You Can…

Literally…You can have the Amazing Privilege to have…

 Boosted Self-Confidence to believe in You and Be Yourself

 Stress Management Techniques that allows you to connect with your body and be sensitive to its alarms

 Emotional Intelligence that will help you understand your emotions and how to rationally respond

 Strong Relationships with those that you love the most

 Wake up motivated to take risks that will help build a legacy for you and your family

Let’s Put Your Desires into ACTION!

Here’s the thing…

You can continue to just think about putting your needs first and keep doing what you are doing

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Only $1997 $55

Meet Your Expert Wellness Coach

Tenisha Manning

Tenisha Manning is a certified Life & Mind Strategist, Speaker, and Author of the prayer journal "From The Heart: Relatable Devotionals and Poems” and upcoming book “Rise Sis, It Ain’t Over Yet, What To Do When You Been To Hell And Back co-authored with her daughter Tamil Manning. Additionally, Tenisha Manning co-hosts with her daughter Tamil on the Daily Underline Podcast.
Tenisha is a US federal law enforcement official and mom of two beautiful grown daughters who uses her life experiences to lead others to thrive in life’s biggest challenges.
As the Chairwoman of the Confident Women’s Alliance®, her firm’s courses, events, results-based coaching and consulting programs equips breast cancer survivors and women who seek to lower their breast cancer risks by using their emotions as POWER to put themselves first and have a fulfilled life on their own terms.

This training is for women who desire to maintain their health and wellness…

Whether You are a Breast Cancer Survivor or a Women who seek to reduce her Breast Cancer Risks…Young, Old, Single, Parent, Grandparent…doesn’t matter…


Starting Monday, 
May 22 to 26th, 2023 at 7:00P EST

DAY 1: Monday, 
May 22, 2023

@7pm EST

Uncovering Your Personal Values

Reflect and reset your core values based on creating a less overwhelming life. Focusing on how they guide your decisions

DAY 2: Tuesday, 
May 23, 2023

@7pm EST

The Power of Delegation and Asking For Help

Learn the techniques and art to delegating the tasks, letting go of control, and trusting those in your circle. Learn the importance to prevent and recognize feelings of being overworked and overwhelmed before it is too late.

DAY 3: Wednesday, 
May 24, 2023

@7pm EST

The Power of Saying “No” And Sticking To It

Understand how to protect your “no” and the importance to not give in despite feelings of guilt. You will learn that protecting your energy, time and well-being is more vital and helpful to those you care for.

Day 4: Thursday, 
May 25, 2023

@7pm EST

Mind Your Emotions

Explore time-management practices and emotional self-care techniques to help cope with stress, and feelings of being overwhelmed.

Day 5: Friday,
  May 26, 2023

@7pm EST

Developing A Sustainable Me-First Lifestyle

Create an action plan to commit to putting yourself first and learn tips on building a supportive lifestyle.

Plus I Will Uncover These 3-Secrets...

Plus I Will Uncover 
These 3-Secrets

How To Express Your Needs Without Being A Burden?

How To Get What You Need WITHOUT fear of rejection or judgement?

How To Identify What You Truly Desire Despite Negative Experiences in Past Relationships?



Q: When Does the Challenge Start?

The "Me-First Movement 5 Day Challenge" begins May 22nd and ends May 26th, 2023.

Q: Who is this class for?

If you are a workaholic, the dependable friend or super busy but drained women who is searching and ready to break free from burnout, confident to assert her needs without guilt, and say no more often, then this class is for you.

Q: Who is this class not for?

This class isn’t for women that don’t want to live happier and healthier, who are comfortable with your body telling you no due to your inabilty to take care of you because you are saying yes to everyone but yourself.

Q: How much is the training?

There are 2 ways to participate in Me First Movement Challenge. The General Admission is only $55 and the VIP Experience is an additional $97 for a VIP ticket, which includes backstage passes to watch and learn from the Zoom post-game show as Tenisha Manning the “Me-First Doctor” answers Q&A of VIP Ticket holders. 

Q: How does the 5 day challenge work?

Each day the challenge training will run from 7-8pm (EST), with backstage additional VIP training with questions from Platinum VIP ticket holders from 8pm-9pm (EST) each day. In the evening you are encouraged to complete the tasks within the window provided.

This is YOUR Time…Seize It!

Join me for a 5-Day Challenge that will transform your life and legacy…

And Never Forget. Remember, you are not alone.

You don’t have learn how to “do it all” by yourself.

You’re surrounded by like-minded women in the same boat as you are…

And we’re all there to help each other and support one another… 

The seats will WILL sell out. So claim your spot NOW!

Take the leap.

Be the courageous women you already are!

Clear your calendar and MAKE THE TIME to attend this exclusive training.

Grab Your Spot to the 

“Me-First Movement” 5 Day Challenge

(May 22nd-26th, 2023)

I can’t WAIT to see you in the challenge!


Only $1997 $55


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